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Web3 For Enterprises: Beyond The Hype



DAte :

January 8, 2024

Web3 For Enterprises

In the ever-evolving realm of technology, blockchain often finds itself entangled in the dramatic narratives of cryptocurrency's wild escapades. The headlines focus on market fluctuations, changing trends within Web3, overshadowing the quieter yet transformative potential that blockchain holds. Let's shift our attention and go beyond the surface noise to uncover the story of a technology that promises more than speculative ups and downs.

I Blockchain: A Game-Changer in the Making

Blockchain is beyond digital currencies, it’s a technology that holds the potential to revolutionize and disrupt business processes across industries. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that facilitates recording transactions and data in blocks. Each block contains information and is connected to the blocks before and after it, creating a chain of records. This shared ledger, where transactions are recorded, cannot be altered, thus providing an immutable record. Its unique features make it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications. From verifying ownership to authenticating assets, businesses are facing numerous challenges. Blockchain provides a solution, offering a secure, tamper-proof, and traceable method of data recording.  

The Journey of Blockchain: From Chaos to Order

Blockchain technology first emerged in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper on bitcoin. However, it didn’t garner much public attention until the rise of cryptocurrencies. While people began discussing cryptocurrency and bitcoin, the underlying technology, blockchain, remained relatively unnoticed. Now, after more than a decade, blockchain has steadily gained importance and relevance in the tech world. Emerging applications like DeFi, NFTs, Metaverse, and tokenization are gaining mainstream traction. Yet, many experts believe that blockchain still holds a wealth of untapped potential and has a significant journey ahead.

Just like the internet, blockchain started as a chaotic marketplace and is now evolving into a fundamental part of global commerce, communication, and entertainment. Enterprises and governments are realizing that blockchain is not here to compete, it is here to disrupt, to enhance efficiency within their existing frameworks.

II Navigating the Blockchain Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities

The adoption cycle of technology is a fascinating process that typically follows a predictable pattern. It begins with the innovation stage, where new technology is developed. This is followed by the early adoption stage, where a small group of forward-thinking individuals start to use the technology and experiment around its use-cases.

The next stage is the early majority stage, where technology begins to gain more acceptance and its use becomes more widespread. This is followed by the late majority stage, where even the more cautious individuals or businesses start to adopt the technology.

Finally, there’s the laggards' stage, where the remaining skeptics finally start using the technology. This entire process can take several years, and it’s the journey that blockchain technology is currently on. It’s gradually being accepted and used more and more, following the same slow but steady path that all new technologies take.

Nearly 90% of businesses in the US, UK, and China have started adopting blockchain to some extent. However, there are still knowledge gaps and challenges like interoperability issues and internal resistance.

Breaking Down Blockchain Challenges

The challenges of adopting blockchain technology in enterprises can indeed be categorized into three main areas: Education and Awareness, Business Challenges, and Technical Challenges. Here’s a breakdown:

Education and Awareness Challenges

  • Understanding the Technology: Navigating blockchain tech can feel like decoding a puzzle. It's new, complex, and a bit like learning a new language. For everyday users and businesses, the lack of clarity on how it works poses a significant hurdle.
  • Misconceptions: People often see blockchain as synonymous with cryptocurrencies, missing its broader potential. This misconception limits the appreciation of the many ways blockchain and Web3 can be applied beyond just digital coins.
  • Technical Complexity: Blockchain's technical side can be a tough nut to crack, especially for those not well-versed in tech jargon. Getting a grip on how blockchain functions in practical terms can be a real challenge.

Business Challenges

  • Regulatory Challenges: While blockchain itself isn't bogged down by regulations, dealing with crypto assets and asset tokenization enters a complex legal realm. Untangling the regulatory web remains a hurdle.
  • Implementation Challenges: Integrating blockchain technology into an organization’s operations represents a significant shift in its operational paradigm. This transition can be likened to orchestrating a new rhythm to which the entire organization must adapt, a process that may encounter resistance or hesitation.
  • Lack of Skilled Workforce: The niche nature of blockchain technology has led to a scarcity of professionals proficient in its application. Locating individuals equipped with the requisite skills to navigate the intricacies of blockchain technology can be a challenging task.
  • Real-World Utility: Businesses are still figuring out where blockchain fits in the real world. The struggle lies in pinpointing practical uses that genuinely benefit specific industries.
  • Unified Solution: While the market is flooded with various blockchain and Web3 solutions, finding one that seamlessly aligns with the specific needs of an industry can be a daunting task. Businesses often seek solutions that not only serve their operational needs but also resonate with their core business ethos. The absence of such bespoke solutions can leave business leaders in a quandary, uncertain of the impact this new technological integration will have on their operations.  

Technical Challenges

  • Scalability: Scalability is a significant concern for businesses. As the volume of transactions increases, there’s a potential that the speed and efficiency of the blockchain could be impacted, affecting the smooth operation of business processes.
  • Interoperability: Different blockchains often operate independently of each other. Facilitating communication and interaction between these disparate blockchains is a challenge. Businesses require a solution that can ensure seamless interoperability between different blockchains.
  • User Experience: The user interfaces of current blockchain platforms can be complex and difficult to navigate. Enhancing the user experience by simplifying these interfaces is essential for wider adoption and usability. The current Web3 interfaces are complex with multiple steps required to perform a simple task.  

Web3: The Future of Business Transformation

In the dynamic landscape of technology, new and groundbreaking innovations are shaping, one of which is Web3. It has been misunderstood and mislabeled—sometimes mistaken for Bitcoin, sometimes dismissed as a bubble, and at times hailed as the next iteration of the Internet or sometimes, it's like a big question mark hiding inside a mystery. But what Web3 truly is, is often overlooked. Web3 holds immense potential to transform the way businesses operate. It’s not just a technological shift; it’s a paradigm shift that promises to redefine business operations.  

In the quest for progress, organizations are increasingly turning to Digital Transformation (DX) to enhance efficiency and create value with new offerings and experiences. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Digital transformation spending is expected to reach a staggering 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars by 2023, and by 2027, this figure is projected to rise to nearly 3.9 trillion U.S. dollars.

Web3 brings a host of opportunities that can significantly impact enterprises:


Web3’s inherent transparency can revolutionize enterprise operations. Every transaction and operation can be audited in real-time, fostering trust among stakeholders and customers.

Speed and Efficiency

Web3 can lead to faster transactions and reduced costs by eliminating intermediaries. This means more streamlined operations and improved bottom lines for enterprises.


The decentralized nature of Web3, coupled with the use of blockchain and DeFi technologies, offers robust security. This can enhance the reputation of enterprises and lead to increased customer trust.

Operational Efficiency

Web3 enables the automation of operations, which can lead to increased operational efficiency. This allows enterprises to focus on core business activities.


The automation of processes through smart contracts in Web3 can lead to significant time and cost savings. Enterprises can automate various processes, from supply chain management to customer service.


Web3 allows enterprises to have true ownership of their digital assets. This can open new business models and revenue streams, such as data monetization and personalized marketing.


The decentralized nature of Web3 can lead to more democratic and fair systems. For enterprises, this means increased control over business operations.

Tokenization of Process/Operations:

Web3 allows for the tokenization of various processes. This can make these processes more streamlined, traceable, and efficient, leading to improved customer engagement and business outcomes.  

The Intersection of Blockchain and Enterprise Technology

We are at a crucial juncture where blockchain is ready for enterprise integration, and enterprises are preparing for the transformation it promises. This report explores this intersection, offering valuable insights for businesses at every stage of their blockchain journey.

III The State of Web3 Adoption for Enterprises

The adoption of Web3 and blockchain technologies is gaining momentum among enterprises despite market challenges. According to a report by McKinsey, applications for the next generation of the internet are sprouting up across various industries, promising transformative effects.

Reflecting on this, another report revealed that a significant number of the world’s leading public companies have already embraced these technologies. Specifically, 81 of the top 100 public companies, as measured by market capitalization, are utilizing blockchain technology. Among these, 27 have a fully functioning live product, and 51 have advanced past the pilot stage, offering full production services or in the development phase.  

A recent report reveals that 315 brands launched a total of 526 Web3 projects in 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. Several renowned brands, including Gucci, Off-White, Farfetch, Tag Heuer, and Balenciaga, have begun to accept crypto payments, marking their entry into the Web3 community. Other companies like Reddit, Starbucks, Robinhood, and Flipkart have adopted blockchain technology, further propelling the shift towards Web3.  

According to a report by Coinbase on the state of crypto adoption, a significant number of Fortune 100 companies have been actively exploring and implementing initiatives related to crypto, blockchain, or web3 since the start of 2020. The research, conducted in partnership with The Block, reveals that more than half—52%—of these companies have pursued such initiatives.

Furthermore, about 60% of the Fortune 100 initiatives reported since the start of 2022 are either in the pre-launch stage or have already been launched. This indicates a strong momentum in the adoption of these technologies among the world’s largest and most influential companies.

When we look at the broader landscape of Fortune 500 companies, the trend is equally promising. The report reveals that 83% of surveyed executives who are familiar with cryptocurrency or blockchain stated that their companies either have current initiatives in place or are planning them.

These findings underscore the growing recognition of the value and potential of crypto, blockchain, and web3 technologies in the corporate world. As we move forward, it’s clear that these technologies will continue to shape the future of business, offering numerous opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and value creation.

Zeebu – The Web3 Neobank at the Forefront of Enterprise Adoption of Web3 Technologies

Zeebu is at the forefront of Web3 adoption, bringing the power of decentralized finance to the telecom industry. With its on-chain settlement platform, Zeebu is transforming how businesses operate and paving the way for a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive financial ecosystem. Zeebu as a platform built leveraging blockchain, tokens, and smart contract technology enables telecom operators, carriers, and service providers to transact with each other securely and seamlessly. Zeebu is spearheading the practical adoption of blockchain technology by bringing thousands of telecom businesses on to the blockchain and making it an integral part of their daily operations.

Zeebu has already onboarded over 320 telecom businesses and is continuously expanding its network. The ZBU Loyalty token has facilitated the seamless settlement of more than 6000 invoices and counting, and the distribution of loyalty rewards to users.

As Zeebu continues to grow, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about creating a community where businesses can thrive, transactions are simplified, and everyone gets a fair share of the benefits. With ZBU token at the heart of it all, users can look forward to a future defined by trust, transparency, and efficiency. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to break new ground in the enterprise adoption of Web3 technologies.