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Is DeFi the Key to a More Equitable and Inclusive Financial Future?



DAte :

September 18, 2023

Zeebu is at the forefront of leveraging DeFi Innovation

In today’s financial landscape, it's easy to think that everyone's on the same playing field, equipped with their bank accounts and financial tools. But truth be told, not everyone's walking that path. Across the globe, a significant chunk of people still doesn't have a ticket to the financial train, missing out on basic tools like bank accounts, investments, and insurance. It can be challenging to comprehend the difficulties faced by those without access to a bank account or financial services. The absence of these essential services can create obstacles in managing personal finances, conducting transactions, and obtaining credit. Furthermore, it can hinder one’s ability to fully participate in the digital economy and seize the opportunities it presents.

A comprehensive report by the World Bank Group, titled the Global Findex Database, casts a spotlight on the complex landscape of global financial inclusion. Drawing insights from extensive research and surveys conducted across 123 economies involving over 125,000 adults, the report delves deep into the critical aspects that define financial inclusion: ownership of accounts, utilization of accounts, and financial resilience. The findings of the report underscore a staggering reality – a whopping 1.4 billion adults, constituting approximately 24% of the global population, lack access to formal financial services. This alarming statistic highlights the persistent challenges in achieving comprehensive financial inclusion on a global scale.

A separate study conducted by Citi Bank reveals that the challenge of financial exclusion is not confined to developing economies alone. Even in developed nations like the United States, a substantial number of individuals remain on the fringes of the financial system. The U.S. financial landscape boasts an extensive network, with over 4,000 banks and nearly 5,000 credit unions spanning the nation. However, a significant segment of the American population, known as the "unbanked," is yet to establish ties with these institutions.  

The most recent data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) indicates that 4.5% of U.S. households – approximately 5.9 million people – fall into this category. Moreover, additional 14.1% of U.S. households are categorized as "underbanked."

Unbanked households are defined as those without a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union. Instead, they rely on alternative methods to manage their finances, including prepaid cards, online payment services, money orders, and cash transactions. The gender gap is also evident, with 15.9% of single-mother households categorized as unbanked, compared to 1.8% of married-couple households.

In essence, these findings underscore the persistent challenges in achieving universal financial inclusion, even within developed nations.  

Challenges in Achieving Financial Inclusivity

Navigating the landscape of financial inclusivity unveils a range of biases and challenges that hinder equitable access to financial services. These biases are not merely confined to specific regions; they cast shadows across the global financial ecosystem, affecting individuals from different walks of life.

Biases in Credit Reporting

Credit reporting bias poses a significant challenge to achieving financial inclusivity. Traditional credit reporting systems often favor individuals with established credit histories. This disadvantage impacts newcomers and those with limited credit backgrounds, making it difficult for them to access loans, mortgages, or essential financial services.

Lack of Bank Accounts for Individuals Without History

For individuals without a history of using bank accounts, the path to financial inclusivity becomes harder. Their lack of financial track record makes it hard to prove their reliability, limiting their access to vital services. The lack of proper documents is a significant factor that leaves countless individuals financially excluded. This particularly affects marginalized communities and less developed areas, reinforcing existing inequalities.

Struggle for Multi-Currency Accounts

In an increasingly globalized world, financial transactions often transcend borders. However, the challenge of accessing multi-currency accounts poses a significant obstacle. These accounts allow individuals and businesses to manage funds in various currencies, facilitating international trade, investments, and cross-border activities. This challenge impedes economic growth and limit opportunities for global financial participation.

Bias Towards Less Developed Countries

Financial institutions play a pivotal role in shaping economic opportunities. However, bias towards less developed countries hinders progress. This bias manifests through stringent regulations, limited access to credit, and higher costs for financial services. The consequences resemble a barrier that restricts certain economies from reaching their full potential.  

Tackling these challenges head-on is essential for creating a financial landscape that is equitable, accessible, and beneficial for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. This is where DeFi comes into play. With its potential to revolutionize the financial industry, DeFi can extend its reach to those who have been previously marginalized, providing them with greater opportunities and financial inclusion.

In a world often divided by financial boundaries, the emergence of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) feels like a breath of fresh air, promising a future where inclusivity and transparency reign supreme. DeFi isn't just about changing the game; it's about rewriting the rules to benefit everyone. Join me as we dive into the world of DeFi, exploring its potential to break down barriers, empower the marginalized, and reshape the financial landscape.

What is DeFi, and How Does it Differ from Traditional Finance?

At its core, DeFi is a radical departure from the traditional financial systems we've grown accustomed to. Instead of relying on centralized intermediaries like banks, DeFi leverages blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer network of financial services. Imagine it as a global marketplace, where individuals can lend, borrow, trade, and invest directly with one another, transcending borders and intermediaries. Unlike traditional finance, DeFi is accessible 24/7, requires no approval process, and operates on transparent, tamper-proof ledgers.

DeFi Driving Wealth Closer to Marginalized Individuals

One of the most exciting aspects of DeFi is its potential to bridge the wealth gap that has long divided societies. Traditional finance often sidelines those without access to established credit systems or bank accounts. DeFi flips the script, offering an open door to the financially marginalized. Through decentralized lending platforms, even someone without a formal credit history can access loans, build a credit profile, and ultimately enhance their economic prospects. It's like giving a voice to the unheard, an opportunity for those who have been left behind.

A Solution to Multi-Currency Conundrums and International Transactions

Traditional banking systems have notoriously struggled with cross-border transactions and multi-currency accounts, especially for those in less developed countries. This is where DeFi steps in as a global translator, breaking down language barriers between currencies. With DeFi, the world becomes your financial oyster, allowing you to effortlessly convert, store, and move assets in a variety of currencies. It's as if DeFi is handing you a universal passport for your money, making international transactions as simple as a local deal.

Defying Bias in Finance: DeFi's True Calling

Bias has long been a stain on the financial industry, with less developed countries often receiving the short end of the stick. DeFi enters this narrative like a beam of light, removing the cloak of secrecy that has enabled bias to flourish. By offering transparent and accessible financial services, DeFi empowers individuals across the globe to participate in economic activities without prejudice. It's about democratizing finance, giving everyone an equal chance to thrive and contribute to the global economy.

Zeebu: Transforming Telecom Settlements with DeFi and Blockchain

In the intricate landscape of telecom, where settlement processes have long been marred by complexities and inefficiencies, Zeebu emerges as a revolutionary force, harnessing the power of DeFi and blockchain to reimagine settlement procedures for telecom carriers. Through this innovative approach, Zeebu is not only enhancing operational effectiveness but is also significantly contributing to the overarching goal of financial inclusivity.

Telecom carriers operate in a dynamic global environment, providing services that transcend geographical boundaries and traverse diverse currencies. However, the traditional settlement process involves intermediaries, protracted timeframes, and high costs. This method not only hampers efficiency but also puts up barriers for carriers with access to conventional banking infrastructure, particularly in underserved regions.

Positioned at the forefront of innovation, Zeebu addresses the complexities of settlement procedures that have long challenged telecom carriers, using cutting-edge technology to streamline processes and enhance accessibility. By integrating DeFi and blockchain into its platform, Zeebu simplifies settlement procedures, offering transparent and efficient transactions. This transformative approach not only boosts efficiency but also promotes inclusivity, breaking down barriers and enabling carriers of all sizes and from various geographical locations to participate actively. Adding another layer of innovation, the ZBU Loyalty token takes this transformation to the next level. As the world's first B2B token tailored for the telecom carrier industry, it's built to incentivizes carriers and partners to engage within the Zeebu ecosystem.  

In the broader context of the financial landscape, Zeebu assumes the role of an innovator, demonstrating how technological progress can dismantle barriers and forge innovative pathways. As the world watches this transformation, Zeebu serves as a poignant reminder that technology isn't just about advancing; it's about empowering, ensuring that the advantages of the financial realm are accessible to all corners of the world.